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Bolt ideas

Let us know your thoughts on our upcoming ideas and add some of your own.

Welcome to the Pugpig Ideas Portal

Thank you for helping us shape the future of Pugpig Bolt. Our sole aim is to make Pugpig Bolt the platform that gives publishers exactly what they need to succeed, and this is where you can tell us what that might be! The opinions and experiences of our customers are invaluable in guiding our plans.

In our ideas portal you'll find potential features and improvements, many suggested by you but some suggested by us. After registering you'll be able to vote on ideas that you think will make Bolt work better for you and your users. You can also submit your own ideas if they aren't already there.

Please do register with your relevant work email as this allows us to reach out to you if we need further information about your idea and opts you in to email notification if anything about your idea changes. It also allows us to see who cares about what idea, which is particularly useful to see how much certain features matter to different content and business models.

Idea submission, status and updates

When an idea is submitted it will come through to us for review. Once reviewed we will update the status of each idea to let you know where it stands in our product development cycle. We may reach out to you for more information if required. Over time an idea's status will change, which you will be notified about if it is your idea or you have voted on it. You can see our possible statuses below:

Please note that ideas awaiting review by our team will not be instantly visible in the ideas portal. As soon as the status changes it will become visible and you will be notified.

  • Future consideration This idea is not on our roadmap but we welcome additional feedback.

  • Planned This idea is something we agree we should add and it's on our roadmap.

  • Coming soon This idea should be in development in the coming months.

  • Shipped This idea has been implemented and is live for customers.

  • Already exists This idea can be achieved with existing functionality.

  • Will not implement This idea isn't a great fit for our roadmap and is unlikely to advance.

The difference between Ideas and our Roadmap

Our Ideas portal will certainly influence our Roadmap however it is not our Roadmap. Ideas may or may not be added to the Roadmap and we will do our best to update you on any, via the idea status. We ask that you please keep suggestions and questions focused on the detail of what the idea is and what it will solve, and not when it might be implemented.

Note also that the number of votes on an idea may not directly correlate to it's chances of making it into development. Many other factors influence what we do, when and why. Votes are good at displaying how many people are interested in something, but not how much of a difference it could make for them.

Pugpig Resources

In addition to the ideas portal, we have various other resources to help you make the most of Pugpig Bolt.

Knowledge base

First and foremost, if you haven't already you should check out our knowledge base. You can search for a topic if you know what you're looking for, or browse through our sections if you just want to find out more.

Release notes

Once an idea finds its way through our roadmap, all the way to completion, it'll leave the ideas board here and make its way into our release notes. If you've voted or commented on an idea you should receive an email when its status changes. Note that not all ideas do make it onto our roadmap, but if that's the case we'll do our best to explain why.

To find out what's recently been added to the Pugpig Bolt platform check out our release notes, or keep an eye out for our product update emails.

Look for our update posts if you're interested in what's been released in the latest app versions.

Or for a more granular breakdown you can check out our release notes per-platform.

Pugpig Support

As always if you're having any issues please reach out to our support team at and check out our welcome to support doc for some helpful tips.